Join the Sight Club!

Help knock-out blindness!

As many as 1 in 5 preschool age children has a vision problem. With 80% of what a child learns being visual, this is a problem that keeps children from succeeding academically and socially. Children with vision problems are often mislabeled as "behavior problems." Early intervention is critical. Further, some vision problems, if not detected and corrected early, can result in permanent vision loss.


You can make a difference! Your monthly gift of $10 helps one child each month-12 children/year! That's because $10 is all it takes to vision screen a child and help that child succeed.  Join the SIGHT Club today with a gift of $10/month or more! 

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Help knock-out blindness by joining the Sight Club!

Commit to helping 12 children each year by giving $10/month

Hosted By

Prevent Blindness Georgia

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